Sunday Cycle 1st June 2014

1 Jun 2014

Sunday Cycle  1st June 2014


First of all,  congratulations to Tommie McGrath for making his welcome return to the club cycle after a period of enforced offage.  He could have picked an easier day to return,  but the old legs proved they still had got it.  Well done.

With the number of cyclists in the mid-teens,  we headed off via Tobermore and onto Draperstown.  A couple of the group, Helen and Phil, were for doing a charity cycle in Magherafelt and so split off from the group here,  while the rest of us headed on out by Straw and the Sixtowns.

Up near Broughderg, and Decky’s  back wheel sprung a leak and a change of tube and fresh air was required.  This was indeed a very difficult puncture repair procedure as we were literally eaten alive by the midgies.

Off again, and we descended down into the OwenKillen Glen,  where another wee split had Gareth heading solo towards Cookstown.  The rest of the group proceeded down into the glen proper, and then up the steep ascent of Neddy’s Brae and onto Greencastle.

A few miles then of roughish pot-holey roads, but then we hit a stretch of fresh tar and it was a lovely ride onto the Plum, where we had a quick break before facing the long push home via Glenelly.


60 miles on the clock, and well done to all.





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